Custodian of Records
The Louisiana Public Records Law, La. Const. Art. XII, §3 and R.S. 44:1-41, grants any person a right to examine and copy public documents in the possession of the state and its political subdivisions, including the St. Mary Parish School Board.
The Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, Elodie Stewart, is the custodian of the records of the St. Mary Parish School Board.
All public records requests:
- Must be in writing
- Either through USPS or by e-mail to the Executive Assistant:
- Must specify, to extent possible, the exact record(s) requested.
- The Executive Assistant is unable to make presumptions regarding your request or fill in any blanks.
- Must contain a return address, phone number, or e-mail contact.
After the Executive Assistant receives the request, the records will be compiled and the charges computed and the requestor will be notified of the charges pending.
Copies of records costs $0.25 per page. This charge applies to electronic versions e-mailed to the requestor. If the records are to be mailed to the requestor there will be a $5.00 charge for postage. All charges must be paid in advance of the records being supplied. Payment should be made payable to the St. Mary Parish School Board and mailed to, St. Mary Parish School Board, P. O. Box 170, Centerville, Louisiana 70522-0170 or hand-delivered to the Office of the Executive Assistant, Central Office Complex, Centerville, Louisiana.
Upon receipt of the payment due, the records will be supplied.
- No duty exists under law to create a record which is not otherwise created or maintained in the course of normal business of the St. Mary Parish School Board.
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. "Education records" are "those records, files documents, and other materials which 1) contain information directly related to a student; and 2) are maintained by an educational institution. (20 U.S.C. § 1232g(a)(4)(A); 34 CFR § 99.3). The Executive Assistant is required to review all requested documents to ensure that FERPA guidelines are followed.
- The Executive Assistant reserves the right to determine the method of record delivery as dictated by the volume of records requested and the form in which the original records exist.