Grades 3-5
Optional Learn-at-Home Resources for Grades 3 - 5
Games, videos and printable activities (translation in Spanish available) Louisiana Public Broadcasting (LPB) provides resources for parents and caregivers to help students continue to learn at home.
Games, videos and activities for kids. Click “Explore and Learn” and then “For Kids”
Games, videos and printable activities (translation in Spanish available) Louisiana Public Broadcasting (LPB) provides resources for parents and caregivers to help students continue to learn at home.
Parents can register each child by grade level. This online homeschool platform offers curriculum in Language Arts, Reading/Literature, Math, Science, History/Social Studies, Visual/Performing Arts, and Physical Education. It includes quizzes, classic eBooks, and STEM lessons.
Math lessons and videos to support learning in grades k-6. Lessons correlate to the modules in Eureka. Access free resources – Knowledge on the Go!