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Frequently Asked Questions

Your child will need to be available to login to a computer during regular school hours daily because teachers will be scheduling online live meeting with students at various times during the week.  These times will be posted each Monday morning for your planning purposes.

The length of these online meetings will be tailored to the age and maturity of the students. For example, an online meeting with 1st graders would necessarily be broken up to include different activities, and would not be as long as a meeting for high school Chemistry students.

Offline activities may be completed later in the day, particularly if students do better in the evening--as long as the students are on pace in their courses by Monday morning. 

For students in grade K-5 who are enrolled in Virtual Learning, parent or adult involvement will depend on the needs of the child.

--For example, a Kindergarten student can't be expected to know what time her class meeting will be held, so intense adult involvement will be critical for that student's success.

--On the other hand, a 5th grade student is probably more mature and may be able to be trusted to wake up, login to his computer, and begin working independently. He may still need support for some assignments, and for his safety, an adult should probably check on him regularly. 

During Phase 1 or 2, all students in grades 6-12 will be completing some or all of their coursework online. 

--A 6th grade student may need assistance at first to establish a routine, but eventually she may need less monitoring, and that adult monitoring might be accomplished through phone calls during the day or a "show me what you did today" session during the evening. 

--A 12th grade student should be expected to work independently, but adult progress monitoring is still important so there are no surprises at the end of the semester.

Every student is different. The family will need to decide if the student required an adult presence at all times, if frequent adult monitoring is needed to keep the student on task, or if the student is independent enough to self-monitor most of the time. 

Above all, please consider the safety of each child when making these decisions for your family.