Smoking: Tobacco and Vaping
Smoking: Tobacco and Vaping
In accordance with the Tobacco-Vaping Free Act of Louisiana, all properties owned and operated by the St. Mary Parish School District are tobacco/vaping free. “Properties” is defined as school buildings and grounds, as well as any mode of transportation owned and operated by St. Mary Parish School District. Additionally, all forms of tobacco are strictly prohibited at all school related events, whether the event is scheduled during regular school hours or after school hours. This policy refers to all persons including staff, students, and visitors.
In accordance with the Tobacco-Vaping Free Act of Louisiana, all properties owned and operated by the St. Mary Parish School District are tobacco/vaping free. “Properties” is defined as school buildings and grounds, as well as any mode of transportation owned and operated by St. Mary Parish School District. Additionally, all forms of tobacco are strictly prohibited at all school related events, whether the event is scheduled during regular school hours or after school hours. This policy refers to all persons including staff, students, and visitors.
Students who are found to be in possession of tobacco or vaping products, tobacco or vaping paraphernalia/contraband, or any smoking object/device, including but not limited to electronic cigarettes, advanced personal vaporizers, vape pens, vape mods, and all similar devices on school board property (including school vans, trucks, and/or buses) during the school day, as well as after school hours, will be subjected to the following discipline procedures.
Students with tobacco and vaping violations will be assigned to the In-School Suspension center or an OSS as follows:
1st Violation: (2) days of ISS and a mandatory virtual health video.
2nd Violation: (3) days of ISS and a mandatory, in-person (4-hr.) Saturday morning, parent-student health session with a SMPS At-Risk Interventionist or recognized, medical officials.
3rd Violation: Citations will be issued by our SROs and the student will be suspended pending a hearing with a recommendation for a (45) day Alternative School assignment.
All other Violations: suspension pending a disciplinary hearing with Child Welfare & Attendance Hearing Officers with a (45) day Alt. Program recommendation.
Any failure to complete the mandatory health video course or in-person health session by the assigned deadline will result in an added day or days of in-school suspension until the consequences are completed as specified.
Any student caught selling vapes or vaping/tobacco products will be suspended pending a disciplinary hearing and will be required to attend a mandatory in-person health session.
Parental permission to use tobacco/vaping products or have tobacco/vaping paraphernalia/contraband does not exempt a student from this policy.
The principal/assistant principal will:
Confiscate the vaping devices or tobacco products and all related paraphernalia.
Call the parent/legal guardian of the student to come to the school for a conference on the day of the infraction.
Assign the student to the in-school suspension center or an OSS depending on the extenuating circumstances.
Assign and explain the health educational video requirements or in-person health session which is mandatory for the student to complete. The parent-guardian and student will both be required to attend the (4-hr. Sat. morning) in-person health session.
Have the parents sign the appropriate documentation.
Make a copy of the signed documentation.
E-mail or call and send a copy of the signed documentation to the SMPS At-Risk Intervention Department for scheduling.
Check for student certificate of completion.
Note: This policy also includes random parking lot searches; if vaping devices, tobacco, or paraphernalia is visible or found in a vehicle driven by the student, the student may also be subject to the above discipline procedures.
Cigars/Tobacco Products
Electronic Cigarette(s)
Vaping Device (nicotine and THC/illegal substances, etc.)
Chewing/Smokeless Tobacco
Rolling Papers