- St. Mary Parish Schools
- Title I
Title I
Title I is a federally-funded program designed to provide educational and supplemental services to meet the needs of children who reside in selected attendance areas in St. Mary Parish Schools. Title I funds may be used for supplementary instructional activities, special personnel, materials, and equipment. Title I serves schools attended by significant numbers of economically disadvantaged children who need assistance and support to improve their academic performance.
Each school receiving Title I services has written a Schoolwide Plan outlining specific uses of Title I funds to reach the goal of helping children meet high curriculum and performance standards. A copy of each school’s Title I plan is located in the front office for viewing purposes; a translator can be made available if assistance is needed. The Title I program has established pre-kindergarten classes. These classes are for children who demonstrate an academic need for preschool experiences and live within the attendance area of the Title I school. Additionally, Title I provides in-school tutoring, health services, media center support and professional development opportunities.
Parent and Family Engagement is a major goal of Title I. The federal grant provides for workshops and literature that help support parents in ensuring the success of their children.