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- Alana Boutte
- Alicia Boudreaux
- Alicia Morris
- Almetra Pierce-Stansbury
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- Angela Brinkley
- Angelle Ransonet
- Ashley Clark
- Ashley Gregory
- Barbara Lancelin
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- Gidget Everitt
- Heidi Polito
- Hope Daigle
- Jill Tamporello
- Katherine Drexler
- Kathryn Taylor
- Kaylum Vead
- Kenneth Holmes
- Kim Caesar
- Kimberly Caesar
- Kristin Percle
- Kristina Estay
- Lane Boudreaux
- LeeAnn Hepler
- Lydia Duval
- Melissa Richard
- Noelle Lowrimore
- Rachael Sanders
- Ronnie Louis
- Rose Hale
- Sadie Clinton
- Sarah Broussard
- Sarah Ghirardi
- Sarah Olivier
- Shannon Hoffpauir
- Sherry Alexander
- Stacie Burke
- Stephen Harris
- Susan Tregle
- Tammy Written
- Tonia Verrette
- Tori Prados
Who Does What
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8g Model Early Childhood Grant
Shannon Hoffpauir
- Curriculum and Instruction
Accelerated Reader
Angelle Ransonet
- Technology
Elbone Delone
- Curriculum and Instruction
Accounts Payable
Alana Boutte
- Finance
Adapted Physical Education (APE)
Stephen Harris
- Special Services
Alternative Assessment (6-12)
Almetra Pierce-Stansbury
- Special Services
Alternative Assessmet (K-5)
Carmen LaGarde
- Special Services
Alternative Program
Kenneth Holmes
- Child Welfare and Attendance