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Promethean Board Help

ActivPanel 9 Help Videos

ActivPanel 9 Help Videos from Promethean

If you have one of the new ActivPanel 9 boards in your room, here are some help videos created by Promethean. There is also a course you can complete on their Trafera PD site.

Promethean Board Common Problems & Solutions

No sound coming from board 

The most common issue is just switching speakers. In the bottom right corner of the computer, click the sound icon 


It will then show the speakers being used.  

A screen shot of a video playerDescription automatically generated

In my screenshot it only shows one because I am not connected to a board. However, if connected to a board there would be a little caret to click and from there you can change the sound output. My red arrow is pointing to where the caret would be. For Promethean boards, the Titanium one should be selected as the sound source. 


No sound from board during Teams meeting

First, ensure that the HDMI and USB cables from the board are connected to the laptop.
Next, ensure that the correct speakers are selected when joining the meeting.



Making yourself Owner of the board 


Create your own pin on board 


I changed my pin. Now what? 

If the pin on your board is anything other than 1234, Complete this Form. 


Changing the pin on board 


Add Content Keeper Link to Locker 


How to add apps  

Create a personal, professional, Gmail account to use with Google Play. 

Recommended apps to download: 

Chrome or Edge, Microsoft 365 Suite, OneDrive. 




My touch is not working at all. 

Behind your board (usually on the left hand side), is where you will find the connections for your board. Your wires should be plugged into the Touch 2 or Touch 3 ports. Notice both the HDMI and USB are both plugged into either 2 or 3. If you plug one into Touch 2 and one into Touch 3, it will not work. The HDMI wire AND USB should also be plugged into your laptop.  

If you do not see an HDMI port on the side of your laptop, be sure to check the back of your laptop. Some models have ports on the back.  




My touch is not working right. 

Make sure you do not have any decorations on or near your board. If anything is even barely touching the screen, it will cause problems. There should NOT be any kind of decorations on your board. 



Finding IP or MAC Address of Board


Open Locker

Click the gear for settings on left hand side or look for settings app



Click "more settings"

Click Network & Internet

Click Wifi (if your board is connected via wifi-most are)

Click St. Mary


You should then be able to see the Wifi and MAC address of the board





More Info from Promethean



Submit a Ticket to Promethean

The following is the link that teachers can use to submit a Help Desk ticket to Traferra for Promethean board issues: Legacy AXIEDU Support | My AXI Support | Submit a Ticket

When submitting a ticket, a representative from Traferra will reach out to the teacher to provide steps to troubleshoot his/her board. The teacher can then perform those steps in hopes of getting the board up and running. If the teacher cannot get it working, please put it on our help desk so that a technician can come and help.

The option for a teacher to submit a ticket is just an option for them to resolve their Promethean issue. If a teacher doesn’t feel comfortable doing that, he/she can just submit it on IncidentIQ and our technician will work with Traferra (Promethean) to get the board up and running.


Note: If a teacher submits a ticket to Trafera to troubleshoot his/her panel, and you end up putting it on our Help Desk, please put the steps that the teacher has already taken to fix the panel.



I need a board moved or need to purchase a board. 

Contact Kaylum Vead ( Please note that the school will be responsible for the cost of moving/purchasing the board. 


Trafera PD

Trafera offers PD on different technology products, including their Promethean boards. To learn more click here.