Email for Employees
Email for Employees
All messages distributed via the St. Mary Parish Board’s email system, even personal e mails, are St. Mary School Board property. There can be no expectation of privacy in anything that is created, stored, sent, or received on the Board’s email system. Emails can be monitored without prior notification if St. Mary Parish School Board deems this necessary. If there is evidence of failure to adhere to the guidelines set out in this policy, the St. Mary Parish School Board reserves the right to take disciplinary measures, including termination and/or legal action.
It is strictly prohibited to:
- Send or forward emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist, or obscene remarks. If an email of this nature is received, the user must promptly notify his/her supervisor.
- Resend private or confidential information without the direct consent of the person initiating the email.
- Send unsolicited mass email messages or chain mail.
- Forge or attempt to forge email messages, or disguise or attempt to disguise one’s identity when sending mail.
Users must take care in drafting an email as they would for any other communication. Confidential information should not be sent via email.
Although St. Mary Parish School Board’s email system is meant for business use, the Board allows personal usage if it is reasonable and does not interfere with work.
All messages shall be appended with the following disclaimer: “This message is intended only for the named recipient. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.”
Each user shall read, and with his/her signature, agree to comply with the guidelines set out in this policy and understand that failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
Ref: Board minutes, 61004 St. Mary Parish School Board