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Expense Reimbursement



The St. Mary Parish School Board shall reimburse employees and School Board members for expenses incurred while on official Board business, within budgetary limitations. Travel expenses shall be limited to those expenses necessarily incurred by employees or Board members in the performance of official responsibilities as may be authorized by the School Board. Reimbursement of expenses shall be based on submission of a properly completed and approved voucher and such supporting receipts as required by an administrator responsible for business affairs. Such expenses may be approved and incurred in line with budgetary allocations for the specific type of expense.

All employees who use their private vehicles for official Board business shall be required to carry liability insurance in an amount set by the Board in order to be eligible for reimbursement. When a private vehicle is used for official School Board duties, mileage shall be reimbursed based at the same rate currently approved by the Board. In no case shall an employee be allowed mileage or transportation reimbursement when the employee has been gratuitously transported by another person.

Any employee or Board member who submits a false or fraudulent travel claim shall be subject to disciplinary action and the Board shall be entitled to restitution in full compliance with statutory provisions.


The following travel regulations pertain to the travel of St. Mary Parish School Board members, supervisors, and other authorized employees of the St. Mary Parish School System on official school business; the expenses incurred thereon; and the maximum claim for reimbursement that shall be allowed.


  • Home: The employee’s residence.
  • Home base: The office or school to which the employee is principally assigned.

Reimbursement for Use of Personally­Owned Vehicles

  1. A mileage allowance per mile as set by the Board shall be authorized for the use of personally­owned automobiles while being operated on official school business.  
  2. When two (2) or more persons travel in the same personally­ownedautomobile, only one  (1) will be reimbursed for travel. 
  3. Reimbursement for necessary storage, parking, tolls, and similar charges documented, shall be made to employees using personally­owned automobiles on official school business.
  4. Travel reimbursement shall be as follows:
    • Out of parish travel: On the mileage from the employee’s home or home base to his/her destination, whichever is less
    • From home to first stop: None
    • Travel from last stop to home: None
    • Travel from home to home base with a stop at another location on the way: On the difference between the total travel and the mileage from the employee's home to his/her home base
    • Travel to home from home base with a stop at another location on the way: Same as above
    • One location to another other than the way to or from home: Mileage between the two locations

Common Carrier

  1. A common carrier, plane, bus, or train, shall be used whenever feasible for out­of­state travel. If a personally­owned automobile is used instead of a common carrier, reimbursement shall not exceed the cost of the lesser had the travel been byplane or train on a first class basis. 
  2. The most economical, as well as the most expedient method of travel shall be used. Tourist or coach type reservations shall be used when traveling by plane, except in cases where these types of reservations are closed and the expediency of time and schedule warrants immediate travel, first class travel is then permitted. A statement from the travel agency or airline organization attesting to this condition shall accompany the voucher for reimbursements.

Meals and Other Expenses for Travel

  1.  Unless overnight travel is involved, the School Board will not reimburse for meals unless authorized by the Superintendent or Assistant Meals, including tax and tips shall be reimbursed on a per­diem basis as listed below. No receipts shall be required, however, employees shall provide proof of attendance at conferences, as appropriate. 
    • Out of Parish With Overnight Lodging Required:
      • Tier 1: In­-State cities with exception of New Orleans = $30.00
      • Tier II: New Orleans and out­-of-state cities = $40.00
    • Out of Parish With No Overnight Lodging Required:
      • One meal allowed (Including tax and tips) = $15.00

According to Internal Revenue Service regulations, reimbursement for meals is taxable income to the recipient when no overnight lodging is involved. Therefore, all reimbursements for meals where no overnight travel is involved shall be considered as taxable income and reported accordingly. 

  1. Out of Parish travel must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor or anyone up the chain of command.
  2. Hotel and motel lodging for overnight travel shall be reimbursed (single rate) as documented by official receipt. Overnight lodging will not be allowed unless the destination is more than ninety (90) miles from the employee’s home. The Assistant Superintendent may grant overnight lodging in extenuating circumstances.

Reimbursement for Travel

 Request for travel reimbursement shall be submitted within thirty (30) days of the final date of travel and should be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Requests submitted ninety (90) days or more after the final date of travel will not be honored.


Revised: November, 2004

Revised: January, 2005

Revised: March, 2008

Revised/combined with DJD­R: October, 2013

Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:56,32:861, 32:862, 32:863,32:863.1, 32:900

Board minutes, 8­13­84, 8­12­04,9­22­04, 7­12­07, 7­11­13

St. Mary Parish School Board