Uniform Policy

    The information below is a guide for assisting parents with the purchasing of clothing for students. The policy of the School Board shall be that no mode of attire shall be considered proper for school wear that distracts from or disrupts classroom and school decorum. The principals of each school will make final decisions as to what is considered proper dress. Any substantial complaint concerning the dress code will be addressed by principals.

    Cleanliness and safety will be a basic consideration.

    • School uniforms must be clean and neat.
    • Haircuts and hairstyles must be neat, clean, and presentable. (Hair rollers or "set" is prohibited.)
    • Fingernails, haircuts, and hairstyles may be prohibited if they present a danger to the student’s health and safety or create classroom or school disorder.
    • All visible body piercings except for earrings on the ear shall be prohibited.
    • Tattoos deemed as inappropriate by the principal are prohibited and must not be visible.

    Student must wear short or long-sleeved polo-golf style shirts with at least two buttons or oxford-style, button-down shirts. Pockets are permissible. Name brand emblems are not permissible. Shirts must be always tucked in.

    • Grades PK - 8: Color choice of white or navy blue. Color choice exceptions: FJHS—Navy or Gold, BEB—Navy or Ash Gray.
    • Grades 9 - 12: Color choice of white or designated school color:
      • BHS—Black
      • CHS—Purple
      • FHS—Garnet
      • MCHS—Forest Green
      • PHS—Red
      • WSM—Carolina Blue

    Students must wear khaki or black, uniform-style pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, or jumpers appropriately sized for the student. External pockets, exaggerated hems (bell bottoms), fraying hems, name-brand emblems, drawstring or elastic waistbands, overalls, corduroys, warm-ups (sweatpants), cargos, joggers, and denim items are NOT permissible. The length of skirts, shorts, skorts, and jumpers must be no shorter than reaching two inches (2”) above the knee. PK-2 students may wear uniform bottoms with an elastic waistband.

    Students must wear solid white, black, brown, navy blue or khaki/tan-colored socks with no logos or emblems on them.

    Students must wear a solid khaki, black, navy blue, or brown belt. Buckles cannot to exceed 2" in height. (Big buckles are not allowed.)

    Students must wear shoes such as tennis shoes, casual, or dress styles that are at the ankle or below. They must be buckled, tied, or zipped if so designed. Sandals, flip-flops, and boots above the ankle are not permissible. All shoe styles must have a complete front and back.

    Student may wear solid navy blue, khaki, white, black, brown, or school-colored sweatshirts, sweaters, or sweater vests over the uniform shirt with the shirt colla visible when wearing these garments. Students may also wear a lightweight jacket, parka, or windbreaker in the same color choices. Official school logos may be located on these additional garments.
     On Elementary School Campus: Hoods are permissible on these items.
     On Middle and High School Campuses: These items shall not have hoods.

    Face coverings are now optional. If worn, masks shall be solid colors.

    School-issued student identification cards must be worn by all students in grades (6-12th). Patterson Jr. High will also require their 5th graders to wear school-issued identification cards. These should be visible and worn around the neck on a lanyard or clipped to the chest or collar area of the shirt. Student ID’s are not only part of the school uniform but are also a critical component of school safety.

    Body armor shall mean bullet-resistant material intended to provide protection from weapons or bodily injury. It shall be unlawful for any student or non-student to wear or possess body armor on any School Board property, school-related function, school bus, or in a firearm-free zone, with limited exceptions as enumerated in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §14:95.9, which includes permitting a student to wear, carry, or possess a backpack that has bullet-resistant material intended to provide protection from weapons or bodily injury. A firearm-free zone means any area inclusive of any school campus and within 1,000 feet of any such school campus, and within a school bus, wherein the possession of firearms is prohibited, except as specifically set forth in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §14:95.2(C) and §14:95.6(B).


    • Students who transfer into St. Mary Parish schools will be allowed two weeks to purchase uniforms and comply with the policy.
    • On special days designated by the principal, students may wear school-appropriate blue jeans and/or spirit shirts. Spirit shirts may be worn with uniform bottoms on these days. Jeans may be worn with uniform tops on these days.
    • Accessories or any other item brought onto a School Board facility at any hour shall not contain art, graffiti, writing, symbols, or images of any sort which may be perceived as vulgar, profane, disruptive, gang-related, or a to reference violence, tobacco, marijuana, drug, or alcohol use.
    • For safety purposes, the Student Clear Bag Policy must be followed. All schools require see-through or mesh backpacks or book bags. Please find the Clear Bag Guidelines in this handbook.


Uniform Graphics
